Monday, 22 October 2012


Great Crested Newt Larvae in Lea Valley Park.

Apologies for the bad quality taken pre-Nikon on my mobile phone, lol.

The Pink-Purple Flowers may well be March Orchids, yes, as they are on the same site.


North American Signal Crayfish and I now discover one of FOUR INTRODUCED freshwater lobsters.

Sunday, 21 October 2012


On a walk near my home you can see the following...

Not sure what this is but I have seen them in Garden Centres.. it is growing wild too along a footpath I use. Broken out of the confines of where the following Hostas (Plantain Lily) live which borders the path I often use.

Not sure if the following is same as above but I suspect it is.

Some Hostas or Plantain Lilies that are at Middleton Gardens in Enfield...

Some Crocus' and ones that impressed me!

Some more Hostas (Plantain Lilies)

Some large Fungi

THAT plant again.

More Hostas (Plantain Lilies)

Large Mistletoe on overhanging branch.


In an undisclosed site in Kent where we were looking for the British colony of American Bullfrogs, yes you read that correctly, two things impressed me...

Walking along a footpath I turned to my brother Ryan and said "can I hear a bloody Grasshopper?!" to which he smile and said yes and I then replied "..but its late October for Christ sakes?!"

WHat then impressed me still was that my brother recognised the species from its call?! Only realising this when he eventually spotted one and I took a few shots of it, despite initially disturbing the branches like a clumsy oaf and the cricket disappearing for a few minutes?!

He then later managed to grab it and I was able to get some close up shots.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Early and Southern Marsh Orchids

near the Wild Primroses or Cowslips are some Early and Southern Marsh Orchids...