Monday 1 May 2017


Well the weather has not been great and if it is not turning or feeling cold it has been bloody too windy, often both.

Along with a health scare followed by a car accident that then seemed to aggravate another health condition that then fired off a series of .. distracting symptoms and pain things have been a little busy.

Plus and several weeks back now I placed myself on a course to start my own business and this will tie in, when over on around 4 weeks, with something else occurring.

Something else that will vastly improve both my photography and videos in everything.

So I managed to get out with my camera and  decided that absolutely everything would now be done in manual only for the next couple of weeks. To re-familiarise myself with all the manual settings as well as any new ones.

So I did not really leave the house with the intention of really doing a wildlife shoot ... except on th way back I saw an opportunity to finally film and photograph a Chiffchaff!

Yes they are commonly heard and yes they are not much to look at ... but their shyness along with the fact that they are normally always high up in the leafiest trees has presented me with a challenge that has been going on a couple of years now.

Yeeeah ... I also need to be more patient and get used to setting myself up in ideal spots and staying there.

Yeeaah there is also going to be a swathe of new equipment and not just in photography either.

I know EXACTLY what I want to buy and it involved around half a dozen to a dozen items but I am not going to name brands or models, I do normally like Nikon, as I do not want to tempt fate. I am funny like that. Long years of tempting fate for me personally has never ended well. Normally due to someone else but it has never ended well, almost never.

Chiffchaff ...

Video of Chiffchaff Singing

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