Saturday 22 June 2019


Well this was unexpected.

Ended up going somewhere that was not quite so far as the day when I photographed and filmed the UK's rarest plant the Creeping Marshwort, Apium repens a rare Jewel Beetle, Agrilus genus, and a singing male Reed Bunting as featured in my last post.

This place should not have produced anything of note .. or so I thought.

Taking someone there who was an insect freak ..

Five Spot Burnets, Golden Rod Crab Spiders, Spined Mason Bees, a Mining Bee, a Skipper Butterfly and at one point I was filming something that was pointed out to me. The insect freak walked away and I called him back as I spotted something out of the ordinary.

He was disinterested probably thinkig I had seen something common .. and I just pointed. I did not know what it was but I am very good at spotting things that are out of the ordinary.

He looked and then leapt like a lizard as it was a rare Bush Cricket called the Long Winged Conehead and he had been going to another location for a fair old while hoping to see them.

Common Blue Butterfly

Golden Rod Crab Spider (male) - Misumena vatia

Golden Rod Crab Spider (female)

Beetle of some kind

Spined Mason Bee - Osmia spinulosa

Long Winged Conehead - Conocephalus discolor

Five Spot Burnet - Zygaena trifolii

Small Skipper Butterfly

Mystery Bee I now realise I misnamed on YouTube

Mining Bee

Five Spot Burnet

Ruby Tailed Wasp

Long Winged Conehead

Golden Rod Crab Spider

Common Blue Buttefly

Thursday 20 June 2019


Well due to a difficult atmosphere and despite pain and the weather going from Sunny to shite yet again I ended up out .. where I knew some rare things were around ..

Person with me bottled out when I saw a marshy land with a much lighter patch of green and I had a gut feeling that one of the things I was looking for was in the patch in in flower ..

Extremely rare plant only found in two tiny locations in England is the Creeping Marshwort, Apium repens .. and sure enough I found it!!

The one with me was blown away later when he realised I had found it .. not lost my touch it would seem ..

Also see a Jewel Beetle, Agrilus laticornis, said to be on the ed Data List along with a Common Blue Butterfly, Polyommatus icarus, and a male Reed Bunting, Emberiza schoeniclus.