Sunday 21 July 2013


Took this shot of a resting Gatekeeper and when I checked all the photos I was disappointed that the Broad Bodied Chaser Dragonfly pictures and video did not come out as good as this one, lol

Now this was in a meadow on the edge of Whitewebbs Golf Course and yet this was about the fourth time I had been there and yet the first time I had seen a Gatekeeper there?! Not only did I see this one but there were hundreds of Gatekeepers it seemed?!


I think they must appear now and I just so happened to have been there before they appeared, or emerged from their chysalis', and started seeing them elsewhere during their emergence before returning to Whitewebbs to see they were everywhere there too?!

Also I saw something I have just remembered I need to look for, to things in fact!!

The first was large, a fraction bigger than a Red Admiral, and was dark but with the reddish of a Gatekeeper but darker and brighter on all four wings. Kind of marbled pattern possibly and I only spotted TWO of these butterflies. They were among a huge mass of bramble which was adjacent to a line of trees. When I disturbed them they flew across me edging into the meadow circled around my back and fluttered over the top of the mass of Bramble again before disappearing. So I need to go back for the Broad Bodied Chaswer and these guys and hopefully more of them will appear and I only caught them at the beginning. Hmm I will look at a Butterfly site and see what looks like what I saw and put it here below.

The other thing was a Moth looking insect that was not only light coppery red all over even in flight but flew like an absolute BULLET. IN shape in flight it was wide looking, like that of the Yellow Shell Moth post.

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