Thursday 27 June 2013


Right now my neck is killing me and I am very knackered and yet I am about to go out...AGAIN!

Only THIS time I am going on foot and leaving the dreaded BIKE here as I have been out on it for HOURS and HOURS!!

But I thought I would explain why and where I was while out and about on my bike.

I dragged myself out on the bike and cycled up to my usual visits and had not intended to go that far and was going to do many things while I was out.

Only Location number one where I was hoping to get one species of Orchid I had not seen there for a couple of weeks not only had it in abundance but shock of shocks while photographing I then spy something out the corner of my eye and bugger me gently over a table it is a second species?! I had they were there but not seen one in 6 years of looking?!

Not only that but as I am looking for more of the abundant species I only go and find a THIRD species?!

Then I head off to location two thinking bloody hell I have just got shots of THREE SPECIES of British Orchids and I have not reached the main park yet?! I then think if I get to the next one and get that other elusive species this will be four?! Plus if any others are among them them maybe 5?!

Then I decide to keep on going, not good as I had not eaten anything or drank much, to see if I can hit some personal record for not only seeing but getting snap shots of many species in just one outing?!

I get that fourth species and get a few others at the same site!!

So then I go off to Location 3 and get a load of photographs and then off to Location 4 and to my surprise there are more Orchids than I have seen in years at these spots.

So in all I got snapshots of 6 species of Orchid all in flower at the same time on the same day...JUST ABOUT!

Did look for Early Purple at one location I thought I had seen them before to make 7 species but to no avail.

I am knackered right now and I have a painfully stiff....NECK! LOL.

This is because I just finished editing all the photographs to prepare for posting up and had to place them into individual folders for each of the locations!

I also got a few other things too like several Poppies and a Blue Butterfly including a few videos of it?!

The Blue Butterfly was another achievement I had wanted for sometime and now other types of Blue Butterflies are my goal as well as many other species of Butterfly too.

So that is what my focus will turn to now and that is Butterflies and Insects and hopefully some bid species thrown in from time to time.

So over the weekend is going to be a series of like a dozen posts, at a guess lol, of the 129 photos (about 25% of what I took) that I have edited!

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